Film Scanning

Welcome to ScanLab: Preserving Your Film Heritage

At ScanLab, we are dedicated to safeguarding your film heritage through our top-notch 8mm, 16mm, and 35mm film transfer services. Whether you have a fresh print from the lab or precious film from yesteryear, our cutting-edge Lasergraphics Film Scanner is engineered to deliver the best possible digitization from any film type, up to an impressive 5K resolution. From 35mm and 16mm to 8mm, whether it’s a print, IP, or negative with any perf configuration, we’ve got you covered.

Preserving Your Memories, One Frame at a Time

Our state-of-the-art scanning system is not only perfect for new film projects but also invaluable for preserving and digitizing archival film assets. With outstanding image stabilization techniques, we ensure every frame retains its original essence with perfect registration. Our sprocketless capstan drive ensures gentle handling, preventing any harm to your precious films.

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Unmatched Color Grading and Resolution

Frontline primary color grading is applied to your films during the scanning process, ensuring accurate and vibrant colors in every digitized frame. We offer various digital formats for your convenience, including ProRes444/422, 10-16 bit DPX, 16-bit TIFF, uncompressed AVI, and more, all in up to 5K resolution for exceptional clarity.

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Exceptional Splice Tolerance and Care

Your films will be meticulously cleaned and thoroughly examined before the scanning process begins. Our advanced technology allows for exceptional splice tolerance, eliminating lateral shifts, and ensuring smooth playback throughout your digitized film.

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Custom Services for Film Grading and Restoration

At ScanLab, we offer custom services to meet your specific needs, including film grading, color correction, and film restoration. For more information on these services, please visit

Let’s Get Started – Request a Quote

We understand that every film project is unique. To provide you with an accurate price estimate, please fill out the form below with details about your project(s). Our team at ScanLab is eager to assist you in preserving your precious memories and film heritage.